
Hiring Process: Assessment, Video Async Interview & Job Offer Templates

Here’s resources we can use for the hiring process. This assumes you’ve already written and have the right job description up and are getting applicants!

Sample assessment #

Here’s a link to a sample assessment – you’ll likely need to customize this for each job description and actual role, but it’s a useful starting point.

Asynchronous video interview #

After the assessment is complete, it’s time to get asynchronous video interviews going. The goal of the asynchronous video interview is to evaluate their presence on camera and overall tone and messaging of how they talk about their predicted area of expertise.

Once the asynchronous video interviews are complete, moving ahead to live Zoom one-on-one interviews, then making an offer to the best candidate.

Sample job offer document #

Here’s a link to a sample job offer – you’ll likely need to customize this for each job offer and actual role, but it’s a useful starting point.


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