
How To Find Images For Use In Blog Posts & Content

Using copyrighted images on our client’s website without permission from the copyright owner can be a violation of copyright law. This means that if the copyright owner finds out and decides to take legal action, our client (or BuildUp Bookings) could be sued and potentially face significant penalties, including the payment of damages. Additionally, using copyrighted images without permission could damage our clients reputation and hurt their business. It’s always best to get permission from the copyright owner before using any copyrighted images on any website.

There are a few different ways we can find free-to-use or no-copyright images for our client blog posts and website content. Here are a few options:

Use Google Images to find images labeled for reuse #

You can use a search engine like Google to search for images that are labeled for reuse. To do this, simply use the search term of what you need for the image and then select this filter.

CleanShot 2022 12 02 at 18.50.42@2x
Search on images.google.com

Use public domain images & creative commons search tools #

Images that are in the public domain are not protected by copyright and can be used by anyone for any purpose. You can find public domain images on https://wordpress.org/openverse/?referrer=creativecommons.org

Creative Commons is a system that allows creators to give others permission to use their work under certain conditions. You can find images licensed under Creative Commons (linked above – now on WordPress.org) on websites like Flickr or Wikimedia Commons. Be sure to check the specific terms of the license to make sure you are using the image in a way that is allowed.

Use stock photos #

Stock photos are professional photographs that can be licensed for use by anyone. You can find stock photos on websites like Shutterstock. Be sure to read the terms of the license carefully to make sure you are using the photos in a way that is allowed.

Get photos from the client website #

If you’re unable to find an image that is free to use or no-copyright, we can consider asking clients to have them take their own photos or hire out a photographer for new photo content. This will give us/the client complete control over the images and ensure that you can use them on their website without worrying about copyright infringement.


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