
Problem Solving

Problem solving is an important part of teamwork and can our team to overcome challenges and achieve our goals. When working on problem solving, it is important to follow a structured process to ensure that the issue is effectively addressed.

As a general rule, the below steps should have a general time limit on them. A good rule of thumb is spending around 10-20 minutes to research various options before escalation. Don’t get to a point where you spend hours or days on an issue before heading to leadership! 

Here is a step-by-step guide for how you work on problem solving if you get stuck:

  1. Search Google for an answer: The first step in solving a problem is often to do some research and see if there are any existing solutions or resources that can help. This might involve searching Google or other online resources for information or guidance.
  2. Search the BuildUp Bookings knowledge base: our knowledge base / internal resource library contains helpful information and resources for our team. It is worth checking to see if there is any relevant information or guidance in the knowledge base that can help to solve the problem.
  3. Reach out to a coworker: If the problem cannot be solved through self-directed research, it may be helpful to reach out to a coworker who has relevant expertise or experience. This could involve asking for advice, asking for guidance, or simply sharing the problem and brainstorming potential solutions together. If you are not sure who to reach out to, refer to the org chart or just ask in “All Hands” in a message thread for help and tag everyone.
  4. Escalate to Conrad O’Connell: If the problem cannot be solved through self-directed research or by reaching out to a coworker, it may be necessary to escalate the issue to higher levels of the organization. This should involve reaching out to the company founder or other senior leaders for guidance or support.

By following this structured process, team members can effectively work on problem solving and find solutions to challenges that they encounter. It is important to remember that seeking help and support is a key part of effective problem solving, and that it is okay to ask for assistance when needed.


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